Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday's here at Destroy the Scene

Well hi everyone welcome to friday. Every Friday on this here page will be Foodie Fridays where I will post recipes, restaurant reviews and general musings on food. I encourage all of you to contribute your own recipes or comments on whatever I talk about.

For the first entry into Foodie Fridays I am going to give you my spinach fettuchini with lime shrimp recipe. This recipe is light and delicious but will fill you up.

check it:
1 bag of storebought spinach fettuchini(if you are ambitious enough you can make your own pasta at home but that might take a while)
1 Tbsp Butter
1 Tbsp chopped fresh Parsley
2 Tsp Lime Juice
1/2 Lb Raw Shrimp
1 Tsp Chili Powder
1 Tsp Cayennne Pepper
1 Tbsp Grated Parmesan
2 Tbsp Olive Oil

Heat Olive oil in a large saute pan. Toss in shrimp, chili powder, cayenne pepper, and drizzle lime juice periodically on shrimp until shrimp are done. Cooking the shrimp in the lime juice will leave a shrimp/lime juice/sauce a the bottom of the pan.
simultaniously cook the pasta for about 3 minutes until done. have another saute pan ready and place butter in heated pan. once pasta is drained put the pasta in the saute pan with the butter. throw in the chopped parsley and stir around. now add all the contents of the shrimp saute pan to the pasta saute pan, mix together and serve hot. sprinkle parmesan on top and you are done.

thank and you and enjoy!


alexandwich said...

no peanut butter? you are losing your touch.

rob blog said...

awesome, i will try this. also, what is with the lack of peanut butter and 40 other condiments?

rob blog said...

also, on a food related note, click on my blog link and check out my blog out the farolito's price raise. truly outrageous.