Friday, November 9, 2007

the origin of food

so hey everybody welcome back to the friday food thing. alex yelled at me so i thought i would post a new recipe. this one's a good one.

it's a healthier alternative to pasta alfredo. i remember making alfredo sauce with Alex P and it being the most fattening artery clogging concoction known to man and it was delicious and we thought there was no way around it being made with a block of cream cheese and a stick of butter...but i have found a way! and it means tofu.


12 oz silken tofu drained
1/4 cup shredded parmesean
1/4 cup shredded romano
3 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon olive oil
a pinch of nutmeg
a pinch of salt
a pinch of pepper
a dash of whipping cream

shrimp or chicken


take all the ingredients listed before fettuchini and put them in a blender, blend them up while you are cooking the pasta
once blended put in a pot and heat on low for the duration of the pasta cooking(10-15 mins) while this is happening you cook the shrimp or chicken in a healthy heaping of minced garlic and olive oil. drain the pasta mix in the alfredo and top with the shrimp or chicken and serve with sauteed veggies of your choice! there it is fucking delicious!


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